SKINNY Fat Original
SKINNY Fat Original
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SKINNY Fat Olive
SKINNY Fat Olive
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  • Proprietary blend of MCT and organic extra virgin coconut oil and olive oil
  • Reduces inflammation by replacing olive and avocado oils high in Omega-6
  • Helps naturally increase energy and metabolism – the fat that burns fat!
  • Helps promote weight loss and supports increased nutrient absorption
  • Perfect choice for professional and home chefs
  • 750 mL bottle 50 servings


Original & Olive

750 ml bottle 50 servings

$46.50 CDN


A Good Deal1-2$46.50
A Better Deal3-5$44.155%
The Best Deal6 or more41.8510%



SKINNYFat & SKINNYFat Olive are great-tasting, fat-burning, brain-boosting, energy-enhancing oils that produce real results backed by real science.

How many times have you tried the latest diet gimmick to lose weight or found yourself purchasing an energy product to regain some of your lost strength and stamina — only to find out the promised weight loss was really just a starvation diet in disguise, or that the energy product made you jittery and contained potentially dangerous stimulants you don’t feel comfortable using on a daily basis? SKINNYFat is different!

Mira & Jayson Calton

SKINNYFat doesn’t restrict calories or contain stimulants of any kind. Instead, SKINNYFat uses the power of nature to burn fat and provide sustained natural energy. No tricks, no gimmicks, just add SKINNYFat to your healthy diet and experience its amazing benefits today.

“We created SKINNYFat as a kind of secret weapon for our private clients who were looking to lose fat naturally, while boosting their energy levels, but its health benefits are nearly endless. I (Jayson) first used SKINNYFat back in the 1990s to maintain my muscle mass while cutting fat for my bodybuilding shows. It was shocking how well it worked. Then we used it again a few years ago when our grandmother started to show signs of dementia in her early 90s to enhance her cognitive function. Again, we were shocked at the positive results.

The science behind the health benefits of MCT, coconut, and olive oil are incredible in and of themselves, but when we combined these oils, using our patent-pending process to produce SKINNYFat, we created a completely new oil that has unique benefits you cannot get from MCT, coconut or olive oil alone. SKINNYFat is a must have kitchen staple. We recommend it for all of our clients and use it ourselves everyday.”

Bon appetite!
Mira & Jayson Calton


SKINNYFat brings the health benefits of some of the healthiest oils in the world – including organic virgin coconut oil, medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) and organic extra virgin olive oil into your kitchen, making it easy to avoid highly processed, genetically modified oils, such as corn, canola, and soybean. We’ve found a way, through our patent–pending formulations, to optimize the unique benefits of these health-enhancing oils, while solving the individual challenges of each, so that you can easily integrate them into your favorite recipes and start improving your health today.


You’ve probably already heard about the scientifically proven, heart-healthy, cholesterol-normalizing, immune-supportive, thyroid-boosting, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-protozoal properties of organic virgin coconut oil (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). However, there is a problem using coconut oil in your favourite recipes – it makes everything you prepare taste like coconuts. Additionally, because coconut oil is solid at room temp (76°F) it can be hard to work with in the kitchen.


If you haven’t heard about MCT oil yet, you’re going to love this: MCT simply stands for medium chain triglycerides, specialized fats that have been naturally extracted from coconut or palm oil. Not only is it nearly impossible for your body to store MCT oil as body fat (more on this later), but peer-reviewed published research also shows that MCT increases metabolism, reduces body fat, and improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance (9,10,11). However, just like coconut oil, there is a problem with MCT too. When used on its own it has been known to cause stomach upset—making it unpopular outside high performance athletic and scientific circles.


Quality organic extra virgin olive oil has long been recognized for its beneficial health properties (i.e. enhanced micronutrient absorption), but it too has a problem. Olive oil is very high in omega-6 fatty acids, a type of fatty acid known by medical science to cause inflammation – a precursor to many of today’s most deadly health conditions and diseases. A little omega 6 is good, but too much may have a negative effect.

SKINNYFat is a unique proprietary blend of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) and organic virgin coconut oil, and SKINNYFat Olive starts with our original formulation and adds in just the right amount of organic extra virgin olive oil for a completely new flavor dimension. By blending these beneficial oils together, in just the right ratios, SKINNYFat solves the individual problems of all three fats. First, SKINNYFat has solved the challenges of cooking with coconut oil by eliminating the distinct coconut taste, making it compatible with any dish. Additionally, SKINNYFat is liquid at room temperature and even stays liquid when refrigerated.

Next, SKINNYFat all but eliminates the stomach upset that can occur when using MCT oil on its own. And last, but not least, SKINNYFat Olive successfully and deliciously delivers the full Mediterranean flavor of organic extra virgin olive oil while reducing the omega-6 levels of traditional olive oil by 85%, allowing you to enjoy the health benefits with significantly less risk of inflammation. This makes SKINNYFat & SKINNYFat Olive the perfect choices for professional and home chefs alike. Great for salad dressings, sauces, soups, spreads, smoothies, or anywhere you want to add a shot of fat burning, energy enhancing goodness!


1) Kaunitz H, Dayrit CS. Coconut oil consumption and coronary heart disease. Philippine Journal of Internal Medicine, 1992;30:165-171

(2) Raymond Peat Newsletter, Coconut Oil, reprinted at An Interview With Dr. Raymond Peat, A Renowned Nutritional Counselor Offers His Thoughts About Thyroid Disease

(3) Clark M. Once a villain, coconut oil charms the health food world. The New York Times, March 1, 2011,

(4) Dr. Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., F.A.C.N. Source: Coconut: In Support of Good Health in the 21st Century

(5) Baba, N 1982.Enhanced thermogenesis and diminished deposition of fat in response to overfeeding with diet containing medium-chain triglycerides, Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 35:379

(6) Isaacs CE, Litov RE, Marie P, Thormar H. Addition of lipases to infant formulas produces antiviral and antibacterial activity, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 1992;3:304-308.

(7) Isaacs CE, Schneidman K. Enveloped Viruses in Human and Bovine Milk are Inactivated by Added Fatty Acids(FAs) and Monoglycerides(MGs), FASEB Journal, 1991;5: Abstract 5325, p.A1288.

(8) Mitsuto Matsumoto, Takeru Kobayashi, Akio Takenakaand Hisao Itabashi. Defaunation Effects of Medium Chain Fatty Acids and Their Derivatives on Goat Rumen Protozoa, The Journal of General Applied Microbiology, Vol. 37, No. 5 (1991) pp.439-445.

(9) Dean W, English J. Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs): Beneficial effects on energy, atherosclerosis and aging. (2012) Retrieved from:

(10) St-Onge, MP, Bosarge, A. Weight-loss diet that includes consumption of medium-chain triacylglycerol oil leads to a greater rate of weight and fat mass loss than does olive oil. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 87, No. 3, 621-626, March 2008, ↑

(11) Stubbs RJ, Harbron CG. Covert manipulation of the ratio of medium- to long-chain triglycerides in isoenergetically dense diets: effect on food intake in ad libitum feeding men. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996 May:20(5):435-44.

(12) A study in the February 2010 issue of “Pharmaceutical Biology” found virgin coconut oil — which is processed at low heat without chemicals — reduced ear and paw swelling in rats, while also inhibiting chronic inflammation.

(13) Fife, B. Coconut oil and medium-chain triglycerides. 2003. Retrieved from:

(14) Reger MA. Henderson ST, Hale C, Cholerton B, Baker LD, Watson GS, Hyde K, Chapman D, Craft S. Effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate on cognition in memory-impaired adults. Neurobiol Aging. 2004 Mar:25(3):311-4.

(15) Kossoff EH, Hartman AL. Ketogenic diets: new advances for metabolism-based therapies. Curr Opin Neurol. 2012 Feb 8

(16) Gasior M, Rogawski MA, Hartman AL. Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic diet. Behav Pharmacol. 2006 Sep:17(5-6):431-9. Review.

(17) Nosaka N, Suzuki Y, Nagatoishi A, Kasai M, Wu J, Taguchi M. Effect of ingestion of medium-chain triacylglycerols on moderate- and high-intensity exercise in recreational athletes. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2009 Apr: 55(2):120-5.

(18) Clegg ME, Golsorkhi M, Henry CJ. Combined medium-chain triglyceride and chilli feeding increases diet-induced thermogenesis in normal-weight humans. Eur J Nutr. 2012 Nov.

(19) WebMD, Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTS) overview information, Retrieved from:

(20) Ooyama K, Wu J, Nosaka N, Aoyama T, Kasai M. Combined intervention of medium-chain triacylglycerol diet and exercise reduces body fat mass and enhances energy expenditure in rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2008 Apr:54(2):136-41.

21) Van Zyl CG, Lambert EV, Hawley JA, Noakes TD, Dennis SC. 1996. Effects of medium-chain triglyceride ingestion on fuel metabolism and cycling performance. J Appl Physiol 80: 2217-2225.

(22) Behrend AM, Harding CO, Shoemaker JD, Matern D, Sahn DJ, Elliot DL, Gillingham MB. Substrate oxidation and cardiac performance during exercise in disorders of long chain fatty acid oxidation. Mol Genet Metab (2012) 105(1):110-5.

(23) Mercola J. Coconut Oil: Four Tablespoons of this “Brain Food” May Prevent Alzeimer’s, Dec, 13 2010, retrieved from;

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.